Some days we get some young patients that haven't seen a dentist before and the results can be great or devastating. Here are some little ones whose faces tell a lot!
Dr. Wilcox stars out with a demonstration.
Early on the kids are all smiles and curious.
Soon everyone gathers in for a closer look.
This look says it all!
She really is not sure about all of this.
And here is our first patient of the day. Scared, but willing.
And here she is after her first filling.
Remember her? I think she only had her teeth cleaned, but she lost a lot of her fear.
Here is our second patient. He is still numb, and definately more interested in toys than teeth. However he did tell us that he wants to be a dentist someday.............
This one was asking for more toys for all of her "brothers and sisters". We had to tell her to have them come into the clinic and earn "regalos" (gifts). I hope they will because these are the kids from the Garbage Kids School and it is a blessing to be able to treat them, fears and all!
And a day in the clinic wouldn't be complete without a view of the restrooms.
The Blue bucket? This is how we flush when the city water is not working. On the day these pictures were taken we were in the middle of a two week water outage.
And lastly, these are our afternoon patients. As you can tell from their missionary tags, these are full time missionaries who we have the pleasure of helping before they head out out to mission destinations somewhere in Central America. Is is our hope that the little kids above have the chance to realize some of their dreams and ambitions some day also, maybe as missionaries or even dentists.